Papers of President Kennedy: National Security Files. 1/20/1961 - 11/22/1963. Papers of President Kennedy: National Security Files: Countries. 1/20/1961 - 11/22/1963. Papers of President Kennedy: National Security Files: Countries: Cuba Subjects, Composite of Exchange of Correspondence Between Presi


Papers of President Kennedy: National Security Files. 1/20/1961 - 11/22/1963. Papers of President Kennedy: National Security Files: Countries. 1/20/1961 - 11/22/1963. Papers of President Kennedy: National Security Files: Countries: Cuba Subjects, Composite of Exchange of Correspondence Between President and Khrushchev, U Thant and Castro, through 10/28/62. 10/16/1962 - 10/28/1962. Letter From Secretary General U Thant to Mario Garcia-Inchaustegui Cuban Representative


SNAC Resource ID: 6424248

John F. Kennedy Library